トップ > 最新情報 > 【報告】 精研談話会が開催されました。(2015年9月18日)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 日時:平成27年9月18日(金)午前11:00~12:00 場所:R2棟6階第3セミナー室 講演者:Dr. Robb Mitchell(University of Southern Denmark 助教) 参加人数:18名 報告: 人々の抱える社会問題の解決を支援する「design cards」と呼ばれるツールの紹介を行った。 またそれを使ってワークショップ形式で議論を行った。(文責: 知能化工学部門 准教授 長谷川晶一) 講演者紹介 Robb Mitchell is Assistant Professor of Social Interaction Design at University of Southern Denmark, following a PhD there entitled “Facilitating Shared Understandings of Risk”. A graduate of Environmental Art at Glasgow School of Art, his research and practice draws upon a diverse background that includes community development, elderly care,, music promotion, event management, science communication and new media curating. A common thread running through most of his research and practice has been developing novel artifacts, environments, processes and systems and events that bring people closer together whether creatively, socially and professionally. In particular, addressing the barriers that may prevent or reduce interaction, exchange and collaboration between: remote locations, different disciplines, different abilities, levels of expertise and/or levels of familiarity.