トップ > 最新情報 > 精研談話会が開催されました。(2008年11月20日)
日 時:平成20年11月20日(木)15:00-17:00
場 所:精研6F大会議室
講演者:ウイーン大学、物理学科 ナノ構造材料物理グループ グループ長
ミカエル J ゼートバウワー教授 (Michael J. ZEHETBAUER)
タイトル: SPD Massive Nanomaterials -- Successes and Open Questions
概 要:
This lecture gives an overview on the benefits in material properties which can be obtained by decreasing the grain size from several microns down to a few nanometers. Unlike nanomaterials synthesized by bottom-up methods which suffer from problems in densification and purification, those by Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) do not. They provide even further features like enhanced miscibility in alloys and controlable changes in phase stability, due to the significant presence of deformation induced lattice defects like dislocations and especially vacancies. Therefore SPD is predestined to achieve bulk functional nanomaterials exhibiting several high properties at the same time. However, neither have all the enhancements of properties been fully understood so far, nor do they necessarily occur with a certain SPD nanomaterial. For example, some SPD nanomaterials still lack in ductility, and quantities like the fracture toughness, the fatigue threshold, and the crack propagation rate of SPD nanometals can be even worse than in their coarse-grained counterparts. The lecture tries to find out the reasons for these deteriorations, and to define rules to avoid them.
世話人:先端材料部門 肥後矢吉(内5044)